$27.00 / month with a 45-day free trial and a $1,497.00 sign-up fee
Here is how this works. You get our special Deal that we have going on until June 21st, 2024. So you only pay $1,497 to get your audiobook. Then 45 days later, you only pay $27 a month to keep your audio files active. Your next audio book after your first one as long as your files are active will be only $997.
You get your voice cloned so that you can use it to narrate your books, podcasts, and more.
After your order, you need to send us 3 to 4 hours of clean Audio in either audio or video format.
By ordering this, you agree that you have the legal right to use this audio.
Once we get your voice cloned which typically takes a few days, you can then start using it for your audiobooks and more!